Worship on Sundays

We meet for worship at 11am on Sunday morning in the Brodick Village Hall, Brodick each week. We look forward to meeting you.


A typical service includes a lively mix of traditonal and contemporary songs and hymns, time for prayer and reflection, as well as a talk on a passage from the Bible.


We share Communion around the Lord's Table on the first Sunday of each month.  This is a simple remembrance of the death and resurrection of Jesus through sharing a symbolic meal of bread and wine. 


We usually have children present in our services and we provide a table with activities at the back of the room as well as groups for children part way through the service.  Please visit our Children and Youth page for more informatiom.



Current Teaching Series

From 15th September to the end of November, we are in a series on Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus.



If you would like to follow a series with us, most of our messages are also posted on our YouTube channel.

Arran Baptist Church (SCIO)
Scottish Charity No. SCO53506


(c) Arran Baptist Church, 2024